Trump’s most challenging year

When Trump came to power, more or less unexpectedly, I marked 2020 as the most important year for his presidency. Trump went through an endless number of serious crises, from Russiagate, Muller report, sex scandals, Ukrainegate, impeachment, just to name…

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The Rise and Fall of Evil

Human character traits are complex, a result of layers and layers of various inputs. Five Element chart is one of those layers, and it's extremely important, but our genetic also plays a major role. Adolf Hitler's parents were very closely…

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The storm is coming

Those following news from the US probably couldn't miss the latest mega story involving Trump and ex-porn star, Stormy Daniels. Apparently, Trump had an affair with her, and just before the elections, she got paid for silence. But the problem…

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Melania’s silence

Having friends in life is important, almost everybody can agree on that. Trying to go through life without cooperating, helping, or receiving help from others is extremely hard. Using the five elements chart information it's quite easy to see whether…

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