What is happening to us?

We are slowly approaching this season's finale; are you not entertained by now? 2020 will be remembered as the critical point in human history, The Great Reset, as many call it now. It all started with COVID, in January /…

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Lizzo – The Confidence Bomb

I have to admit, I know very little about (somewhat) controversial singer Lizzo, but after seeing a couple of her tweets and one music video (the one above), I was impressed with her confidence and power, so I couldn't help…

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Chart duel: RBG vs ACB

One of the biggest news last month was the passing of one of the most popular Supreme Court judges in the US, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, popularly known as RBG. She was 87 years old, and everybody knew that time would…

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The Naughty Boys of Rock ‘n’ Roll

We often say how particular entertainers, whether in music or film, have one kind of charisma, which separates them from the rest. There are individuals who, once they put a foot on a stage, turn into an energy bomb, full…

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Chris Hemsworth – Going Physical

Most of us know Chris Hemsworth from his impressive performance and portrait of Thor, a superhero from Marvel movies. Chris has a pretty remarkable physique, and he does like to show it a lot. How much he enjoys going physical…

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General Michael Flynn’s legal troubles

Those who follow US politics are probably familiar with the current drama going on around Michael Flynn, a retired United States Army lieutenant general, who briefly worked for Trump administration, but got fired and prosecuted after caught (allegedly) lying to…

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