Introducing Talent Bridge

Since we started with the Talent Hero project almost five years ago, we were always kind of obsessed with figuring out a better way to present critical data within the BaZi chart. We all have to admit, BaZi is not…

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Branches interaction cheatsheet

Those familiar with the BaZi method know how difficult is to remember all interactions between branches (also known as Chinese zodiac animals). There are dozens of possible interactions so we decided to put a visual cheatsheet, to help you find…

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Life Decoded

The concept of astrology is old almost as civilization. Since the dawn of the men, we look into the stars trying to find answers, the meaning of life, or a sign what the future might bring. There are different types…

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Find your passion

People come to me almost every day, asking for advice, to tell them what they should do, what career they should pursue, what kind of business they should build and in which branch, or what kind of men/women they should…

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Wine & Destiny

Does destiny really exist? Is it really possible to determine character traits of a person just by knowing the date and time of birth? Many people have asked me this question, and I have always been wanting to find the best possible…

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