Founder of the car industry.

Henry Ford is often called the “founder of the car industry” which is indeed justified when considering his transformative impact on automobile manufacturing and his role in making cars accessible to the masses. While he wasn’t the first to invent the car, his innovations in production, labor practices, and business models were revolutionary. His influence extended far beyond the auto industry, affecting various facets of modern industrial society.

His contributions solidified his place as a central figure in the history of the automobile industry and the broader field of industrial manufacturing.

Henry Ford was born with the Yang Metal as his Master Element, which gives us a key insight into his character. Yang Metal people are often compared to solid, unyielding metal—strong, durable, and reliable. They are known for their hard-working nature, industrious mindset, and ability to withstand challenges. Much like a piece of raw metal, they can endure immense pressure, sharpening and refining themselves to become tools of remarkable value.

Ford’s BaZi chart presents an interesting balance, where his Yang Metal is supported by a significant presence of the Earth Element, which acts as his Resource (Intellect Component), representing intellect, stability, and foundation. The Earth Element nurtures Yang Metal, much like the Earth itself refines and shapes the metal within it. This Earth provides Ford with intellectual grounding and a solid framework upon which to build his ideas. But what makes Ford’s chart exceptional is how this Earth is well utilized with the presence of Water and Wood Elements, creating a harmonious synergy.

This well-balanced composition of elements mirrors the mechanics of Ford’s actual work—building well-engineered machines that run smoothly. We can even describe his BaZi chart as a “well-oiled machine” due to how perfectly aligned and functional his elements are. There’s very little imbalance in his chart, indicating that Ford’s path in life unfolded with relative ease, at least from an elemental perspective. His chart represents someone who didn’t have to struggle too much to find harmony between work, creativity, and business acumen.

The Water Element, representing Ford’s Output Component, plays a key role in driving his innovative capacities. In BaZi, the Output is often associated with one’s ability to create and bring new ideas into the world, and for Ford, Water is particularly beneficial because it allows him to channel his intellect (Earth) into groundbreaking ideas. Water in combination with Earth creates what can be described as a “Creativity Talent Bridge,” an indicator of someone with the ability to turn intellectual ideas into tangible, innovative products. Ford’s legacy as a pioneer of the automobile industry and mass production techniques speaks to this creative bridge in action.

The presence of Wood in his chart further amplifies his talents, especially in terms of entrepreneurship. In BaZi, Wood represents growth and expansion. For Yang Metal, Wood and its interaction with Earth creates what we can call an “Entrepreneurship Talent Bridge.” This combination gives Ford the business acumen and forward-thinking strategies needed to expand his ideas into large-scale, profitable enterprises. Like Jeff Bezos, who also has Yang Metal as his Master Element and a strong combination of Earth, Wood, and Water in his chart, Ford’s vision for automation and efficiency in production was a key driving force behind his success.

Ford’s greatest achievements came in the early 1900s, during a favorable 20-year period dominated by the Wood Element. Wood periods are often associated with growth, wealth, and new opportunities, and for Ford, this time frame aligned perfectly with his own natural entrepreneurial strengths. This period saw him introducing revolutionary ideas like the assembly line, which allowed for mass production at a scale never before seen. The Wood Element in his BaZi chart, already strong, became even more potent during this time, contributing to his extraordinary success and financial growth.

In conclusion, Henry Ford’s chart is a prime example of harmony between the elements, much like the machines he built. With the Earth providing a solid intellectual foundation, Water fueling his creative and innovative output, and Wood driving his entrepreneurial spirit, Ford’s destiny was one of remarkable achievement. His chart required little adjustment, as the balance of his elements naturally aligned with the path he chose in life, making him not only a visionary but also a highly successful businessman whose influence continues to be felt today.

Also published on Medium.