Wine & Destiny
Does destiny really exist? Is it really possible to determine character traits of a person just by knowing the date and time of birth? Many people have asked me this question, and I have always been wanting to find the best possible explanation or analogy so that people would be able to understand and accept the logic and dynamic of this method.
First of all, let’s not call it destiny, in one way is misleading, and people are often disturbed with idea that our life path is fixed, and they are right, it’s not. The more correct approach is to see our birth charts as a set of tools and quality traits which we are equipped with. These tools and traits have their good and bad sides, depending on how you use them and on which occasion. We still have a fair share of free will to shape and polish these tools and character traits, to a certain extent. So no matter how good or bad our birth chart is, our actions do matter, a lot.
Winemaking, a highly respected science can help us draw some parallels

jill111 / Pixabay
When I was young my family owned a small vineyard in Croatia. I was never much into it, and as an arrogant teenager, I would rather spend time with my friends than taking care of the boring vineyard. But it was important to my family, especially my father who couldn’t imagine a day without a good glass of wine or two. So I was regularly and unwillingly involved in the process.
During the production, I would hear various theories, why one year the wine was good and not another. In most cases, the greatest influence on the quality of the wine would be the weather. Some years would be too hot, the grape would be too dry, others it would be too cold, then frozen soil and ice would disturb the growing process.
Certain years are well known for good wines, and what is even more interesting is that different types of wine require different conditions. It might be a good year for a certain type of wine, but terrible for others.
The time of the harvest is also of utmost importance. If you cut the grapes one week too early, or one week too late, you might ruin the whole batch. Once you cut the grape from the plant, the character of that wine would be determined.

leohau / Pixabay
You might be able to fix it to some extent in the production process and during storage, but it is quite hard to turn a bad batch into a great wine.
This principle applies to any plant on earth, with slight variations. Every scientist will agree that quality, certain characteristics, and performance of the organic products depend largely on the season, climate and soil.
So what about human beings?
Are we somehow above the climate dynamic? Is our personality determined solely by our genetics, upbringing, and surroundings? Or is there something else in play?
In ancient China, human beings were understood to be part of nature and subject to natural law.
The chinese developed a method which helped them decipher the influence of the seasons and Five Elements on human character and performance. This method was relying on their famous farmer calendar, which they use, even today, to plan their agriculture activities.
So for example, if a person is born in the middle of summer, they would naturally inherit a lot of Fire Element. This person would do well in life, generally speaking, every time he encounters Water and Metal Element, either through seasons or simply through the type of work or type of people he spends time with.
The Master Elements can be compared with different types of wines, from our example above. So for example, if a person is born as strong Yang Metal, in the middle of Autumn season, it would seek naturally for Fire and Wood Element. If the person is a weak Yin Wood, born in the middle of summer, it would look for Water and wet Earth for support and balance.

Clker-Free-Vector-Images / Pixabay
The exact time of birth is of utmost importance, same as with wine. The moment we cut the umbilical cord, most of our character traits are set, I would say probably more than 50%. The other 50% will be inherited through parents genetics, upbringing, education, and general surrounding.
The wine experts talk a lot about wine’s character, almost like it’s a human being. So often they would use attributes like aggressive, mild, romantic, subtle, passionate… These characters traits are determined by nature, by seasons and by natural element, the Five Elements.
So, for comparison, if a Yang Fire person has a lot of Earth Element and weak Water, we would say that his Output Component is strong and Power Component is weak. This person would show a lot of rebellious, outspoken characteristics, he or she wouldn’t be able to stand authority very well and would always seek freedom of expression.
If a weak Yang Wood person would have a lot of Metal Element, which represents Power Component, he or she would be a very submissive towards authorities, in some cases even extremely afraid to have any interaction with them.
These character traits are inherited by nature, through the season and Five Elements, in the same way as the wine inherits its own unique character traits.
Natural cycles work for wine, but not for humans?
Modern science doesn’t recognize astrology as real science, they look down on it, call it a pseudoscience, but at the same time, they give validation of the same principles in every other aspect of life.
Why is like that, it’s hard to say. All I know is that Five Element is an extremely accurate method, and no amount of skepticism will ever change that for me. After going through thousands of charts and case studies, my belief is firm, and it’s up to others to play catch up with this fascinating knowledge.
With skepticism, we are losing valuable time which could be spent in research. This knowledge could improve the lives of every single person on the planet if understood and applied correctly. Most of our suffering comes from the notion that we don’t understand ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses. Once you get more clear with your original blueprint, things get much easier, we spend less time blaming ourselves or others and put more effort into practical solutions to overcome the newly visible obstacles.
The enemy which we don’t know is far more dangerous than the enemy we know, and Five Element gives us a tool to turn all our invisible enemies into allies.
Also published on Medium.