High-Octane Tom

Tom Cruise is one of the few remaining blockbuster actors, with a career now spanning over 40 years, and still able to pull big movie hits. He is primarily known for fast-paced, high-octane action roles that often involve many risks.…

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Ryan Giggs’ troubles with women

Ryan Giggs, a famous football player, was recently in the news after being charged with domestic violence. In an interview, he admits his infidelity and that he was addicted to having lovers and could not control his behavior. His chart…

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Do Kwon – The Fall Of A Creative Genius

Do Kwon is a charismatic founder of Terra blockchain. This crypto project experienced massive turbulence a few months ago, resulting in more than $40 billion in direct losses and many more billions of indirect damage across the financial sector. When…

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Vladimir Putin – The Trouble(d) Man

Vladimir Putin was already, for a long time, one of the most powerful people in the world, but this year he took center stage due to the conflict with Ukraine. Our analysis shows clear leadership capabilities of the highest degree.…

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Governor Cuomo – Bully or a victim?

Following politics these days is tough; there is so much disinformation, dishonesty, and corruption that it is hard to distinguish truth from lies and propaganda. It's happening on both sides of the political aisle in almost every country. Due to…

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