
I’ve been receiving numerous requests to share my thoughts on the upcoming presidential elections. I’ve written about Trump several times before, and I still believe he has the qualities of a leader. However, as a Dog in the Chinese zodiac, he’s set to face a very challenging time in the Dragon year. This clash makes the journey ahead far from easy for him.

Now, it seems that Kamala Harris has emerged as the leading candidate for the Democrats, even though she didn’t secure a single vote during the primaries. The political maneuvering behind this is quite obvious—they’ve sidelined Biden and propped up Kamala as the new face of the party.

Looking at Kamala’s BaZi chart, I’m not particularly impressed. While she does have a strong Output (Wood) and Power (Earth), forming what we call a Leadership Talent Bridge, there’s a significant issue: her Day Master, Yang Water, is very weak. She does receive a bit of support from the Yin Water within the Dragon and the Yang Metal from her Hourly Stem, but it’s not enough to make her truly formidable.

This weakness in her Day Master translates to a lack of charisma and authority when she speaks. The more she engages with the public, the more apparent this becomes. It’s no wonder her handlers prefer scripted appearances and try to shield her from unscripted, lengthy interviews—though I doubt that strategy will hold up in the long run.

Her chart is also heavy with the Earth element, which indicates a strong desire for power. However, this Earth dominance suggests she struggles to attain real influence on her own, relying instead on the support of Wood to help her maintain an image of leadership. It seems to me that the power and authority are controlling her, not the other way around.

The current Dynamic Luck, Earth Dragon, is also not providing any decent support for her weak Master Element.

So, could Kamala still become president? Given how the political establishment managed to keep Joe Biden in office for four years despite his visible physical and mental challenges, I believe they could push Kamala into the presidency as well. However, if she does rise to that position, it likely won’t be thanks to a genuine wave of popular support because she clearly lacks charisma and political power.


Also published on Medium.