Each Talent or Character Component has limited significance on its own, but when combined with others, they become powerful. For instance, a strong Wealth Component doesn’t necessarily mean monetary wealth; it indicates potential, which can only be realized through collaboration.

This collaboration is what we call Talent Bridge. Focusing on Character Components, there are five possible Bridges between them. Here’s a list of combinations, with links to learn more about each:

  • CREATIVITY (Intellect + Output): Unleashes special abilities, education, and creative ideas, perfect for intellectuals and creatives.
  • DOMINANCE (Body + Wealth): Combines physical power and management skills, ideal for family business, sports, and physical labor.
  • LEADERSHIP (Output + Power): Wields influence, and political power, and mobilizes others to execute ideas, suitable for high-level politics and social influence.
  • ENTREPRENEURSHIP (Wealth + Intellect): Fosters financial independence and turns ideas into money, perfect for entrepreneurs.
  • SOCIAL JUSTICE (Power + Body): Drives strong political opinions and social engagement through activism or humanitarian work.

When analyzing these Bridges, we consider the approximate ratio between Components. Both Components must be stable and able to withstand collaborative pressure. The ideal balance varies from chart to chart, requiring more detailed analysis to determine each Bridge’s quality.

It’s also important to note that we’re not striving for a perfect balance across all five Bridges. That would lead to a lack of focus. Instead, having one strong, functional Talent Bridge with sufficient intensity and efficiency can drive success in its respective field.