Talent Bridge shows us our general, and most preferred attitude and approaches while handling life situations. We do this by measuring the quality of interactions between Character Components and Talents. For a Talent Bridge to be active and usable, it needs to have both Components present and at least one strong Talent on each side of the Bridge. Between 25% and 50% per Talent is optimal, above 100% is excessive.
Intensity indicator represents the strength and overall influence of the Bridge. Efficiency indicator represents quality and usability. The higher these values are, the better the Bridge is. You can learn more about indicators here.
Please note that these are static values, inherited at birth, they do change dynamically, throughout our lives, and with them our attitude and goals. The dynamic part of the analysis will be available soon.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Talent Bridge analysis is applicable in most cases, but there are special occasions, we call them Special Charts, where no Bridge is established, but the person is still highly successful. Those special charts are rare, maybe less than 1% of people have them.
INTELLECT Component represents our learned skills, mostly of intellectual nature, while OUTPUT Component represent our public performance, appearance and expression of thought. When the ratio between two is positive, the person might be very creative and rather talented for learning and absorbing knowledge. This Bridge is suitable for all types of creative professions, like scientist, teacher, analyzer, philosopher, inventor, investor, trader, strategist, writer, artist, programmer, designer or any kind of profession which requires a high amount of learning, creative thinking and analytical skills.
WEALTH Component represents money and material world around us, it is the most “physical” Component of all. INTELLECT Component represents our learning skills and ability to deal with the administrative part of the business. With these two Components working together the person might be quite keen to run their own business and become an entrepreneur. This combination also represents the ultimate financial freedom and creative independence. In a nutshell, this Bridge represent people who use their intellect to make money so it’s suitable for all kinds of businesses and entrepreneurship.
OUTPUT Component represents staff, people who work for us, but it also represents our ability to present ourselves and our ideas and thoughts publicly. POWER Component represents authority positions in general; therefore, when these two Components work together the person might be good at leadership, managing, giving orders to other people, and that way acquiring authority position. This Bridge is perfect for politicians, but also for all those who like to climb the corporate ladders, gain higher career positions and lead teams.
BODY Component represents people around us, our social circle of people, while POWER Component represents authority figures, bosses, government, etc. People who have this Bridge strong are often involved in social activism, because they feel the connection with people around them and they usually have a tendency to rally them against those in power, and it’s usually triggered by some kind of injustice. Often they have strong political opinions and simply can’t stay on the sidelines. If they are not involved in politics then they might be active in some type of humanitarian activities and work for public good.
BODY Component represents our physical body and stamina, while WEALTH Component represents money and material world in general. Such combination is quite suitable for professional athletes, who use their physical strength to make money. The person might like to have direct control and micromanage situations and matters. This Bridge also represents a family business, where the person works together with family members to make money. When this Bridge is dominant, the person might have a strong sex drive and rather excessive need for physical closeness.