James McAvoy’s Dominance

When analyzing the BaZi charts of famous movie and TV stars, we often observe certain Talent and Supertalent structures that align with the extroverted qualities essential for show business. Common examples include the Performer, Networker, Communicator, or Charmer profiles. These are all strong extroverted archetypes, perfectly suited for those who thrive in the public eye, like actors, singers, or influencers. These Supertalents help stars naturally draw attention, connect with others, and express themselves in a way that resonates with large audiences.

However, not all successful actors possess these extroverted profiles. Some work their way to stardom through different, more unique combinations in their BaZi charts, reflecting the versatility and richness of Chinese metaphysical analysis. A great example of this is James McAvoy, whose BaZi chart is distinct from the typical extroverted Talent profiles, yet perfectly aligns with his intense and dominating on-screen presence.

James McAvoy’s BaZi Chart: The Power of Earth

James McAvoy was born as a Yang Earth Day Master, which forms the foundation of his character and persona. Yang Earth, like a towering mountain, represents solidity, resilience, and an imposing presence—qualities that McAvoy displays through the dominating and physical intensity of many of his roles. His chart is filled with Earth energy, creating a strong, stable foundation, while Fire, an element that supports Earth, further amplifies this dominance. Fire in his chart adds an unpredictable, quirky edge to his personality, as well as psychological complexity.

Though Earth dominates McAvoy’s chart, there are also hidden Elements in Dragon and Goat, which he can access in certain constellations. These secondary elements are often locked within his chart and need specific triggers or conditions (like dynamic luck cycles) to manifest fully. This “locking away” of elements parallels the types of characters McAvoy portrays on-screen—men who control, suppress, or even imprison others, visually representing the controlling nature of Earth over the other elements. His characters’ ability to dominate and intimidate others often mirrors the way his Earth element exerts control in his chart.

Reflecting Earth’s Traits: Dominance and Intensity

Many of McAvoy’s roles project dominance and intensity, reflecting his Yang Earth nature. In films like “Split”, where he plays a man with multiple personalities, we see Earth’s ability to contain or “lock away” different aspects of his personality, only to let them emerge unpredictably. His character’s physicality and psychological instability reflect Earth’s control over other elements, mixed with a layer of Fire’s intensity that adds eccentricity and depth.

His roles often feature a bipolar mix of strength and unpredictability. For instance, in “Filth” and “Trance”, McAvoy plays men whose psychological depth—rooted in Fire’s influence—clashes with their physical presence, creating a sense of internal chaos. This intense mixture of elements mirrors how his chart creates a struggle between Earth’s stability and Fire’s unpredictability, often leading to a sense of tension or unease.

The Yin Earth in his chart adds another layer of complexity, making him highly competitive, with an edge of cunning and ruthlessness. Yin Earth, unlike the commanding presence of Yang Earth, often expresses itself in a more subtle yet deeply persistent way. This energy may also contribute to his portrayal of characters with psychological nuance and hidden depths, further enhancing the intense unpredictability that he brings to the screen. This blend of bipolar energy and physicality makes him a compelling actor, particularly in roles where his characters hover between control and chaos, dominance and vulnerability.

Physicality and Transformation

McAvoy’s physical presence has evolved over the years, reflecting the dynamic interplay of elements in his chart. His recent film, “Speak No Evil”, shows him visually larger and more muscular than in previous roles, suggesting that he is now drawing even more heavily from his Earth element, which is all about grounding, strength, and dominance. This transformation into a more physically imposing figure enhances his capacity to portray characters who use physicality to control others, further reflecting Earth’s inherent traits of containment and dominance.

Metal and Performer Talent

His Performer Talent, represented by the Metal element, is located in the hour pillar, which is unusual for a movie star. When a Talent appears in the hour pillar, it typically signifies something more personal, intimate, or local in scope. Reflecting this, McAvoy has often expressed in interviews that he enjoys performing in theater, where the setting is smaller and more private, allowing him to keep his craft grounded and intimate.

Dynamic Luck and Favorable Elements

One of the key aspects of McAvoy’s success is the support from his Dynamic Luck cycles. Throughout much of his life, McAvoy has been in favorable Wood or Water cycles. These elements play a crucial role in balancing his excess of Earth energy. Wood represents fame, influence, and recognition, helping McAvoy translate his Earth-heavy chart into external success. Water, meanwhile, signifies wealth, suggesting that these luck cycles have helped him generate financial stability and career growth. The presence of these elements has allowed him to maximize his Earth element’s natural dominance while drawing fame and financial prosperity.


James McAvoy’s BaZi chart is a perfect reflection of his intense, physically dominant roles. His Yang Earth Day Master gives him the raw strength and presence needed to embody powerful, intimidating characters. Fire adds a layer of psychological depth and quirkiness that makes him unpredictable and compelling, while Metal gives him creative output. The dynamic interplay between these elements gives him a unique edge, setting him apart from other stars whose charts may rely more heavily on extroverted qualities. His favorable luck cycles, filled with Wood and Water, have also played a significant role in balancing his chart and propelling him to fame and fortune.


Also published on Medium.