
Male tennis has been dominated by three names for almost 20 years, and just recently we are witnessing a new generation of players who are slowly replacing Djokovic, Federer, and Nadal. Among these rising stars is Carlos Alcaraz, a young and dynamic player making waves in the tennis world.

Carlos (Carlitos) Alcaraz, born on May 5, 2003, in El Palmar, Spain, has quickly established himself as one of the most promising talents in tennis. Known for his powerful groundstrokes, exceptional athleticism, and mental toughness, Alcaraz has been coached by former world No. 1 Juan Carlos Ferrero. Under Ferrero’s guidance, Alcaraz’s career trajectory has been nothing short of meteoric. He clinched his first ATP title at just 18 years old and, by 2022, won his first Grand Slam at the US Open, becoming the youngest male champion since 1990. His rapid ascent and mature gameplay have made him one of the sport’s brightest young stars, with many predicting a future at the top of the tennis world.

Carlos Alcaraz was born under the Yang Earth Master Element. At first glance, his chart reveals the versatility and strength that reflect his tennis prowess. Yang Earth is a solid and stable element, representing a person who is grounded and resilient. Alcaraz’s Yang Earth Master Element is well-supported by Yang Fire and three Earthly branches, indicating a strong foundation and a balanced character.

The presence of Water Element and three Earthly branches in his chart suggests that Carlos has a well-utilized Dominance Talent Bridge. This configuration is crucial for athletes as it signifies the ability to control and harness energy effectively. In Alcaraz’s case, the Dominance Talent Bridge indicates that he uses his physical power (Earth) to achieve success and financial gain (Water). This balance between Earth and Water elements reflects his ability to channel his strength and endurance into his athletic career, making him a formidable competitor on the court.

Alcaraz’s chart also features a solid Competitor Talent (Yin Earth), which highlights his drive for winning and competition. This aspect of his chart underscores his relentless pursuit of excellence and his desire to be the best. The combination of his strong Master Element and Competitor Talent makes him a natural athlete with the inherent qualities needed to succeed at the highest levels of tennis.

In addition to these core elements, Alcaraz’s chart reveals intriguing Supertalents. The Yang Fire in his chart acts as a Poet Supertalent, providing him with creativity and the ability to think outside the box. This element is particularly important as it balances his relatively cold chart, infusing it with warmth and innovation. On the court, this translates to Alcaraz’s ability to come up with unique strategies and plays, setting him apart from his peers. The Yin Water in his chart acts as a Communicator Supertalent, enhancing his ability to express himself effectively and connect with others, both on and off the court.

Since 2022, Carlos Alcaraz has been in a Wood Tiger Dynamic Luck period. This phase is highly beneficial for him, considering his strong Earth element. Wood, representing the Power Component in his chart, stimulates growth and progress. During this period, Alcaraz’s influence and fame are expected to rise, as the Wood element supports and enhances his existing strengths. The Wood Tiger Dynamic Luck period aligns perfectly with his career, propelling him towards greater achievements and recognition.

In conclusion, Carlos Alcaraz embodies the qualities of a future tennis legend, both in his athletic abilities and his BaZi chart. His strong Yang Earth Master Element, supported by Yang Fire and Earthly branches, provides a solid foundation for his success. The Dominance Talent Bridge and Competitor Talent in his chart highlight his physical prowess and competitive spirit, while his Poet and Communicator Supertalents add creativity and expressiveness to his game. As he continues to navigate the beneficial Wood Tiger Dynamic Luck period, Alcaraz is poised to become a dominant force in the tennis world, carrying the torch from the legendary trio of Djokovic, Federer, and Nadal.

Also published on Medium.