The Yin Water Snake (癸巳) pillar in BaZi combines the Yin Water (Gui, 癸) stem with the Snake (Si, 巳) branch, which brings together elements of flexibility, intuition, and mysticism with strategy and intelligence. Here’s a detailed analysis of this pillar:

Characteristics of Yin Water (癸):

  • Yin Water is like mist, rain, or dew—subtle and gentle but able to penetrate deeply. It represents intuition, wisdom, and adaptability.
  • People with Yin Water tend to have a reflective, insightful nature. They are often good at understanding underlying currents and situations, sensing things that aren’t immediately visible. They might be introverted but observant, making them highly perceptive and emotionally intelligent.
  • Yin Water individuals are also known for their flexibility and resourcefulness, able to navigate complex situations with tact and subtlety.

Characteristics of the Snake (巳):

  • The Snake is associated with the Fire element, but it also contains hidden aspects of Metal and Earth. It is a sign of intelligence, cunning, and strategic thinking.
  • Snakes are analytical and insightful, often understanding how to make things work in their favor. They are charming and capable of influencing others behind the scenes rather than through overt actions.
  • The Snake also represents wisdom and transformation, as it is associated with deep thinking, knowledge, and the shedding of old skins (i.e., change and personal growth).

Interaction between Yin Water and Snake:

  • Water and Fire Conflict: Yin Water and the Fire element of the Snake are in opposition, which can create internal tension. Water can extinguish Fire, and Fire can evaporate Water, symbolizing a dynamic and complex relationship. People with this pillar may experience inner conflicts between their emotional needs (Water) and their desires for action and achievement (Fire).
  • Self-combining Pillar: This is a so-called self-combining pillar because Yang Earth within the Snake is combining with the Yin Water at the top, creating a strong bond. Such a combination is usually auspicious.
  • Depth and Strategy: Despite the elemental conflict, this pillar can produce individuals who are deeply intuitive yet strategic. The subtlety of Yin Water combines with the intelligence of the Snake, creating a personality that understands both the emotional and logical sides of situations. These people are often good at working behind the scenes, using both their intellect and charm to influence outcomes.
  • Transformation and Adaptability: The Snake’s association with transformation pairs well with the flexible nature of Yin Water. People with this pillar often go through significant changes in their lives, evolving as they gain wisdom and experience. They may be good at adapting to new circumstances and reinventing themselves when necessary.

Personality Traits of Yin Water Snake:

  • Intuitive and Insightful: Yin Water Snake individuals are highly perceptive, often understanding things that others might miss. They have a strong intuitive sense and can read people and situations with ease.
  • Strategic Thinkers: The Snake’s influence makes these individuals good at planning and strategy. They don’t act rashly but prefer to think things through carefully before making decisions.
  • Charming but Secretive: The combination of Yin Water and the Snake often results in a personality that is both charming and mysterious. They may not reveal their true intentions or feelings easily, preferring to keep certain things to themselves.
  • Emotionally Complex: The opposition between Water and Fire can make people with this pillar emotionally complex. They may struggle to balance their need for calm and reflection (Water) with their drive for action and success (Fire).
  • Resilient and Transformative: Just as the Snake sheds its skin, these individuals are capable of undergoing deep personal transformations. They may face many challenges in life but have the resilience to overcome them and emerge stronger.

Career and Relationships:

  • In Careers: Yin Water Snake individuals often excel in professions that require deep thinking, strategy, or research. They may work well in roles where they can use their insight and intellect, such as in psychology, research, diplomacy, or any career that involves behind-the-scenes influence.
  • In Relationships: In personal relationships, they can be charming and supportive partners, but they may also be secretive or emotionally distant at times. Their intuitive nature helps them understand others deeply, but their need for personal space and reflection can create challenges.


  • Internal Conflict: The clash between Water and Fire in this pillar can create inner tension. Yin Water Snake individuals may find it difficult to reconcile their emotional needs with their ambitions or desires for success.
  • Tendency to Overthink: The combination of Yin Water’s reflective nature and the Snake’s analytical tendencies may lead to overthinking or second-guessing decisions.
  • Emotional Detachment: While they are deeply intuitive and sensitive, Yin Water Snake individuals may struggle with emotional vulnerability. Their tendency to keep things hidden can make it hard for them to connect on a deeper level with others.


The Yin Water Snake pillar represents a unique blend of intuition, strategy, and transformation. Individuals with this pillar are deeply insightful, able to see the bigger picture while also paying attention to subtle details. They are strategic thinkers who can navigate complex situations with charm and intelligence. However, they may experience inner tension between their reflective, emotional side and their drive for action and success.

This pillar often produces people who are resilient and capable of personal transformation, adapting to life’s challenges with wisdom and flexibility. While they are often seen as mysterious or reserved, their deep understanding of the world around them gives them a unique edge in both personal and professional endeavors.