The Yang Wood Dragon (甲辰) pillar in BaZi brings together the strong, assertive qualities of Yang Wood (甲) with the complex and mystical energy of the Dragon (辰). This combination creates a unique personality with a powerful drive, leadership qualities, and a connection to both stability and change.

Characteristics of Yang Wood (甲):

  • Yang Wood represents a tall, strong tree, symbolizing growth, ambition, and persistence. People with this element tend to be resilient, straightforward, and determined. They have a clear vision of what they want and the strength to pursue it, even in the face of obstacles.
  • Yang Wood individuals are natural leaders, able to inspire others with their strong ideals and unyielding character. However, they can also be inflexible or overly rigid in their ways.

Characteristics of the Dragon (辰):

  • The Dragon is a mystical and powerful creature in Chinese metaphysics, representing strength, charisma, and unpredictability. The Dragon is associated with Yang Earth but contains hidden elements of Yin Water, Yin Wood, and Yang Earth, making it a highly complex branch.
  • People born under the Dragon are often ambitious, and capable of navigating between stability and change. The Dragon’s energy also brings about a magnetic personality, a natural sense of authority, and a mysterious aura.

Interaction between Yang Wood and the Dragon:

  • Yang Wood on the stem grows on the Yang Earth of the Dragon, indicating the potential for steady growth and support. The Dragon can provide the stability that Yang Wood needs to grow tall and strong, but the hidden elements within the Dragon also introduce complexity and challenges.
  • This combination creates a dynamic balance between growth and stability. People with this pillar are driven to achieve their goals but may face internal conflicts or challenges along the way due to the hidden Water and Wood elements in the Dragon.

Personality Traits of Yang Wood Dragon:

  1. Ambitious and Driven: The strong Yang Wood energy gives individuals a clear sense of direction and purpose, while the Dragon’s powerful nature adds to their ambition. These individuals often aim for high positions or grand achievements.
  2. Natural Leaders: The combination of Yang Wood’s strength and the Dragon’s charisma makes these individuals natural leaders. They can inspire confidence and command respect in any environment.
  3. Complex and Mysterious: The Dragon’s hidden elements add layers of complexity to their personality. Beneath their straightforward exterior, they may have deep emotions or hidden motives, making them hard to fully understand.
  4. Resilient and Determined: The Yang Wood Dragon pillar indicates a person who is not easily swayed by obstacles. They persist in their efforts and are likely to overcome challenges with sheer willpower.


  • Inflexibility: The strength of Yang Wood can sometimes manifest as rigidity or stubbornness. People with this pillar may find it difficult to adapt to change or compromise with others.
  • Internal Conflict: The hidden elements within the Dragon can create inner emotional turbulence. While the outward appearance may be calm and strong, there may be underlying feelings of doubt, insecurity, or conflicting desires.
  • Overly Ambitious: The drive to achieve greatness can sometimes lead to taking on too much or striving for unrealistic goals, which could result in burnout or frustration.

Career and Relationships:

  • Career: People with the Yang Wood Dragon pillar thrive in leadership roles or positions that allow them to pursue long-term goals. They are often drawn to careers in business, politics, or any field where they can exert influence and make a significant impact.
  • Relationships: In relationships, they can be loyal and protective but may need to work on being more flexible and understanding. Their strong personality may overwhelm more sensitive partners, so it is essential for them to find a balance between their ambition and their emotional needs.


The Yang Wood Dragon pillar represents a powerful combination of ambition, leadership, and complexity. Individuals with this pillar are driven by strong ideals and have the resilience to achieve great things. However, their journey may be marked by internal conflicts and challenges, as they balance their need for growth with the complex emotions and desires that lie beneath the surface.