The Yang Metal Horse (庚午) pillar in BaZi combines the rigid, structured energy of Yang Metal with the dynamic, passionate nature of the Horse. This creates a fascinating blend of strength, discipline, and fiery enthusiasm.

Key Elements:

  1. Yang Metal (庚):

    • Yang Metal is strong, unyielding, and likened to solid, raw metal like a sword or an axe. It symbolizes discipline, resilience, and toughness. People with Yang Metal in their charts often have a firm sense of morality, strong principles, and a no-nonsense attitude.
    • They can be seen as natural leaders who are direct and take decisive actions. However, this strength can also make them seem rigid, stubborn, or uncompromising at times.
  2. Horse (午):

    • The Horse is a Fire element, symbolizing energy, action, and passion. It represents someone who is full of vitality and has a love for freedom and independence. Horses are dynamic and thrive in situations where they can express their enthusiasm and creativity.
    • This branch also contains Yin Fire (丁) and Yin Earth (己), which add warmth, creativity, and a nurturing aspect to this pillar.

Dynamics of the Yang Metal Horse Pillar:

  1. Combination of Metal and Fire:

    • The Yang Metal and Fire combination is an inherently challenging one. Metal and Fire are naturally in conflict in the five elements cycle (Fire melts Metal). This tension can create a person with an intense internal drive and a need to constantly refine themselves, as if “melting the raw metal into something sharper or more polished.”
    • Individuals with this pillar may feel a push-pull between their rigid, disciplined side (Metal) and their fiery, passionate side (Horse). They may be driven to take bold actions, but also struggle with balancing their impulsiveness and their need for control.
  2. Personality Traits:

    • Strong-willed and Determined: The Yang Metal Horse person is typically resilient, ambitious, and has a powerful drive to succeed. They are not easily swayed and hold firm to their convictions.
    • Energetic and Dynamic: The Horse’s Fire brings in vitality, enthusiasm, and a sense of adventure. They are likely to be charismatic, with a bold personality that shines in leadership roles or situations where action is needed.
    • Conflict Between Impulse and Control: Due to the clash between Metal and Fire, these individuals can experience internal struggles, particularly between their desire for stability and their love for freedom and excitement.
  3. Strengths:

    • Courageous and Action-Oriented: The Yang Metal Horse is not afraid of challenges and has the bravery to face difficult situations head-on. They thrive in situations that require decisiveness and leadership.
    • Creative and Passionate: The Horse’s Fire element gives these individuals a creative spark, helping them come up with bold ideas and initiatives. They are often passionate about their goals and bring a lot of energy to their endeavors.
    • Resilient and Strong: The Yang Metal element provides them with a strong backbone, making them highly resilient. They can bounce back from setbacks and are determined to keep moving forward.
  4. Challenges:

    • Impulsiveness: With the dynamic energy of the Horse, there’s a tendency to act quickly without fully considering the consequences. This can lead to rash decisions that may cause difficulties.
    • Conflict Between Freedom and Responsibility: The clash between the need for discipline (Metal) and the desire for freedom (Horse) can lead to inner conflicts, causing them to feel trapped or restless at times.
    • Temper and Stubbornness: Both the Yang Metal and Horse components can be strong-willed, and this can lead to moments of stubbornness or a hot temper, particularly when things don’t go their way.

Career and Relationships:

  • Career: The Yang Metal Horse is well-suited for roles that require leadership, bravery, and action. They may excel in areas like military, sports, politics, or entrepreneurship. Their combination of creativity and resilience allows them to handle both high-pressure situations and the need for innovative solutions.

  • Relationships: In relationships, individuals with this pillar can be passionate, protective, and sometimes intense. They value freedom but also want a strong sense of loyalty and respect in their relationships. However, their internal conflict between stability and independence can sometimes create challenges in maintaining long-term relationships.


The Yang Metal Horse pillar represents a person of great strength, energy, and ambition. They are natural leaders who are driven by both their passionate nature and their strong moral code. However, they may struggle with finding balance between their need for control and their love for freedom, which can create internal conflicts. Despite these challenges, their resilience and dynamic energy often lead them to success in their chosen paths.