The Yang Earth Monkey (戊申) pillar in BaZi represents a combination of Yang Earth (戊) and the Monkey (申), which contains the elements of Yang Metal (庚), Yang Water (壬), and a little bit of Yang Earth (戊). This pillar signifies a grounded, practical personality that also possesses flexibility, intelligence, and ambition.

Characteristics of Yang Earth (戊):

  • Yang Earth is like a mountain—solid, stable, and immovable. It represents reliability, responsibility, and protection. Individuals with Yang Earth energy tend to be dependable, cautious and often take on leadership roles.
  • However, Yang Earth can also be stubborn, resistant to change, and overly rigid in their thinking. They prefer structure and consistency but may struggle when forced to adapt quickly.

Characteristics of the Monkey (申):

  • The Monkey branch is lively, dynamic, and intelligent, representing adaptability and quick thinking. It is associated with the Metal element (primarily Yang Metal), but it also contains Yang Water and Yang Earth.
  • The Monkey is a symbol of cleverness, curiosity, and resourcefulness. People with strong Monkey energy are often quick-witted, sharp, and ambitious. They are strategic thinkers and excellent problem solvers, but they can also be cunning or calculating at times.

Interaction between Yang Earth and the Monkey:

  • The Yang Earth on the stem provides a stable, grounded foundation, while the Monkey in the branch brings flexibility and intelligence. This combination creates a personality that is both solid and adaptable—someone who can hold their ground while still being strategic and open to new opportunities.
  • The presence of Yang Metal in the Monkey enhances the strength and determination of Yang Earth, adding a strong sense of purpose and ambition. Yang Water within the Monkey helps cool down the intense, stubborn nature of Yang Earth, bringing a touch of fluidity and creativity.

Personality Traits of Yang Earth Monkey:

  1. Grounded and Practical: The Yang Earth Monkey is a reliable and practical individual, someone who is steady and dependable but also able to think quickly and adapt when needed.
  2. Clever and Strategic: The Monkey‘s intelligence and resourcefulness shine through, making these individuals excellent at planning, strategizing, and solving complex problems. They are highly analytical and can think on their feet.
  3. Ambitious and Driven: The Yang Metal energy within the Monkey gives a strong sense of ambition and drive, pushing these individuals to achieve their goals and pursue success. They have a clear vision of what they want and are willing to work hard to get it.
  4. Protective and Loyal: As Yang Earth is a stabilizing element, individuals with this pillar are often protective of those they care about. They are loyal and supportive, especially toward their friends and family, and they take their responsibilities seriously.


  • Stubbornness: The Yang Earth element can make individuals with this pillar resistant to change. They may be slow to adapt to new situations or ideas and can be overly set in their ways.
  • Manipulative Tendencies: While the Monkey is clever and strategic, it can also be cunning or manipulative at times. Individuals with this pillar must be careful not to use their intelligence in a deceitful or unethical manner.
  • Overthinking: With the Monkey’s quick, analytical mind and Yang Earth’s desire for stability, people with this pillar may overthink situations, leading to indecisiveness or stress.

Career and Relationships:

  • Career: The Yang Earth Monkey excels in roles that require both strategic thinking and practicality. They do well in leadership positions, business, finance, law, or any career that requires analysis and problem-solving. They are also excellent at managing projects or teams because they can balance long-term vision with day-to-day details.
  • Relationships: In relationships, they are protective, loyal, and supportive partners. However, their stubbornness can sometimes lead to conflicts if they are unwilling to compromise. They need a partner who appreciates their stability and intelligence but who can also help them be more flexible and open-minded.


The Yang Earth Monkey pillar represents a strong, stable individual with a sharp mind and a strategic approach to life. These individuals are reliable and practical but also adaptable and resourceful, making them excellent problem solvers and ambitious leaders. However, they need to be mindful of their tendency toward stubbornness and manipulation, ensuring they use their intelligence and ambition for positive and ethical outcomes.